Another great golf training aid Blog
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Golf Club Information

Our Featured Golf Writer

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Tips To Play The Sand Trap

By Lee MacRae

A bunker beside the green is a fearsome place to be. Surprisingly, this is one of the easiest shots to perfect and can actually be an enjoyable part of your golf game. Just learn the proper techniques and apply a few tips and your bunker game will flourish.

One way to prevent dipping and hitting your ball heavy when playing a long bunker shot is to concentrate on keeping the knees "on the same level" throughout the swing. Note that we say he "on the same level" and not just "level". The idea is to stop you from lifting up or bending down. If you lift up, either you hit the ball thin or you run the risk of hitting it fat if you bend down again. If you bend down first, you'll almost definitely hit the ball fat.

When sand is wet or really firm, your sand wedge, with it's wide flange may very easily bounce off the surface and blade the ball. In such circumstances, it's better to use a pitching wedge or, when the flag is a long way off and you want your ball to run more, then use a seven, eight, or nine iron. Play your ball back in an open stance [much as you would do when playing a chip from the fairway] and position your hands just ahead of the ball. Unlike most sand shots, this one requires that you concentrate on hitting the ball first and not the sand. Work out your "landing area" before hitting the shot, and try to hit that area. If you miss it, don't worry. With all sand shots, it's far more important to get out the sand and to leave your ball close to the hole.

Keep in mind that the average sand wedge is designed to hit a ball 40 feet at most. If you have a sand shot that is farther than that, then you will be better off using a pitching wedge to get on the green. A pitching wedge is designed differently, it doesn't have the curve [the bounce] on the bottom of the head. This allows the ball to travel the 10 or 20 extra feet you need on the shot. Just remember to use the right tool for the particular job at hand.

And no matter what the circumstances are, don't allow tension to ruin your techinque. Tension will ruin even the best of golf swings. Keep your body and your mind loose and positive. Always imagine yourself handling the shot with success. What the mind sees, the body will do. You golf game will improve immensly when you add these tips.

Prevent fatigue and keep your golf swing strong all day with improved golf fitness!

Golf Snippets

Don't grip the club too tightly. A tight grip inhibits a smooth swing and follow-though. Also, keep the grips on your clubs in good condition. Worn grips force you to hold the club too tightly. Replace the grips on your clubs as they get worn and smooth. When first learning the grip, keep a club around the house and practice gripping and regripping the club a few minutes each day. Remember to keep fingers secure and arms relaxed.
...PGA of America

Callaway Golf Bags

If you're like me and have struggled to shoot the score you dream about in your golf game you've likely spent a little bit of time searching for tips for golf swing. One thing I finally came to realize is that there wasn't one magic golf swing fix. The process was more about learning the right mechanics from several golf swing tips or instructors and putting them all together. At each point in the golf swing from gripping the club, to stance, and the actual swing there are points to be remembered, and that's what we want to accomplish with you. This article is going to cover a few of the beginner points to and secrets to the golf swing, and at the end of this article you'll have the chance to receive our free golf swing videos each week to help with your training. Let's get started.
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Neutral = Straight
There are two key alignments to strive for at the top of the swing that will make hitting fairways much easier. The most important of the two is the clubface position, which should be square (the leading edge basically is parallel to the left arm). Learning this position will remove the need to compensate on the downswing with the hands. Positioning the club parallel to the target line is also extremely important.
...Golf Tips magazine

You've heard that a golf-specific workout will help you get more distance, so you're pumping iron, jogging religiously, stretching - but you still haven't gained any distance off the tee. What's the deal? An exercise program will indeed help you gain distance, but you also need to have good swing technique to take advantage of your strength and flexibility.
...The Golf Channel

Short practice sessions regularly are better than one long period. Practice, and good repetition, will teach your muscles to learn to feel - creating your own internal dialog from within that you, and only you, can describe to yourself.
...Golf Instruction Guide

Today's Golf News

Harrington eyes Wales Open

Tue, 22 Apr 2008 11:25:40 GMT
Open champion Padraig Harrington will make his debut in this year's Wales Open at the Celtic Manor.

Titleist Tour Report: The Memorial

Fri, 02 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Check out this week's Titleist Tour report from The Memorial, featuring the defending champion Bart Bryant.

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Location: Benton, California, United States

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